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Ascendancy Research:
Research Professionals Count on Us – WHY?


First, Ascendancy Research provides professional research clients our best-in-the-industry recruiting. Our proprietary processes deliver the best possible pool of research participants – everything about our selection, communication and hospitality programs attract the best possible end-user contributors.
We recruit the purest possible perspective for the professional researchers we serve.

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User Research and End User Collaboration

Understanding the needs and wants of your end users can uncover opportunities and ways to gain competitive advantage. Conducting effective research by collaborating with the people that use your web site or application, will help you better understand the needs and wants of your customer by uncovering potential barriers and opportunities to gain an advantage over your competition.

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Facility and Environments

In addition to our convenient, state-of-the-art research facility in Minneapolis, we access environments, hospitality and technology tools to ensure a research experience that minimizes distractions and maximizes the quality of participant inputs. Research professionals from across the country know that we deliver a distraction-free environment that facilitates the best possible responses and feedback for the work they perform on behalf of their clients.
We provide optimal facilitation – and great project management - in the best environment.

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Helping Researchers Get Results

Ascendancy Research is a results-driven partner for research professionals. Each day, with each project, we serve the needs of focus group moderators and other consultants who are working to help their clients enhance strategic capability, refine brand nuances and challenge, focus, and validate direction.
Everything we do is designed to help research professionals give their clients added precision to decision making.

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